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Scrum User Group Discussion on TDD Using .Net and Nunit

  • Agile
Created on :
May 23, 2014
Updated on :
October 27, 2022

Successfully delivered a workshop on Test Driven Development (TDD) through Scrum Alliance User Group- Agile Software Developers Network on 17th May 2014 at the YMCA, New Delhi. It was well attended by group user and feedback was very encouraging.

This was our 1st user group event and 1st event on TDD using .Net and NUnit. Participants were very active during discussion and we discussed various aspects of TDD and benefits of same. We learnt how TDD uncovers defects that we overlook during programming if our unit test is not well defined and doesn’t follow unit test characteristics.

Some of the interesting questions that made the meet up an exhaustive learning session were:

  1. Can tester write TDD unit test cases?
    TDD unit test cases are always for developer but yes tester can help in describing scenarios.
  2. Is TDD and BDD same?TDD is to ensure developer writes code as per test. BDD for ensuring code is behaving as per requirement.
  3. Can TDD help in increasing productivity?
    Yes, but in long run as it reduces regression testing time; also TDD is for ensuring quality product.
  4. Writing code 1st then test is also TDD?
    No, because then code starts influencing unit test cases.
  5. Can TDD help is building an application architecture?TDD is very good in designing emergent architecture and helps in avoiding Big Design Up front (BDUF).

Overall it was an interesting session with lots of knowledge sharing. You can join the discussion on the same in our Forum. You may also like to check my TDD Blog to learn more about TDD approach for developing .Net MVC application. Do not forget to send us your feedback or queries. We love to hear from you.