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How to get certified Scrum Master (CSM®)?

  • CSM
  • Certified Scrum Master
  • Scrum Alliance
  • Scrum
Created on :
October 27, 2016
Updated on :
October 27, 2022

Have you been thinking of pursuing an agile certificate off late? The wide array of Scrum and Agile certificate makes it difficult for professionals to choose a right one who fit their needs and helps in building an agile career.

Certified Scrum Master has been on the forefront of agile certifications for many reasons.

1. Its most sought after by recruiters.
2. Scrum is the widely used Agile methodology. According to the version1 survey, 80% or more companies are using Scrum.
Even Scrum Alliance introduced three role-based certificates like CSM, CSPO, and CSD; the other two could never match the popularity of CSM.

Another reason for the popularity of CSM is the ease of certification, I have listed below the three step process –

1. Select the CSM Classroom training provider
2. Attend two days of CSM class
3. Give online exam and get certified.

Step 1: Select the CSM Classroom training provider

Individual and interactions are fundamentals of Scrum. Scrum Alliance always values in person interaction over other mediums of teaching. Its mandatory to attend a two days of classroom training to get CSM certified. Only a Certified Scrum Trainer can impart a CSM training. The list of all approved CSM trainers and their schedule is published on Scrum Alliance website.

Though getting CSM certificate is easy, what you learn in class matters for your scrum career. Here is our detailed guide on How to Select a CSM Training Provider.

Step 2: Attend two days of CSM Class

When choosing a CSM training, go for an interactive, action-packed two days of class. As I said, getting CSM certificate is easy, but what you learn in two days of the class matters for your future scrum career. CSM workshop is practical; it teaches you ways of using Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. Though, all trainers approved by Scrum Alliance are well qualified and have a practical understanding of Scrum. However, their delivery style and approach may vary. Also, your participation in the class matters most. Check our blog on making most out of a CSM class.

Step 3: Give online exam and get certified

Post two days training; your trainer will submit your data to Scrum Alliance, and you will get an exam link with 90 days of validity and two attempts to get your CSM exam. There is absolutely no need to rush, hardly anyone fails to clear the CSM Certificate, so focus on understanding scrum, go through scrum guide and take CSM exam to get a Perfect Score. Check our blog on how to get a perfect score in CSM Exam.
Check our CSM classes schedule here

Beyond CSM –

For most Scrum professionals, CSM certificate is a by-product and not the end-result. The focus is and should be on learning and understanding the scrum philosophy. If you are coming from a traditional background, you may find scrum confusing and overwhelming. It would be a drastic change for you if you are coming from a traditional management background.

Scrum works. It enabled so many enterprises, and teams in delivering value to their customers So keep patience and focus on building a scrum career. Scrum Alliance has a defined ladder