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CSM Exam – 100 Percent Pass Guarantee or Farce

  • Certified Scrum Master
  • Scrum
Created on :
December 22, 2017
Updated on :
October 27, 2022
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If google start deciding synonymy of two words by their proximity of web, Scrum and Guarantee will become synonyms. When izenbridge started CSM training in India, we discovered that Scrum Training only sells with a Guarantee and not without it. So much so that, guarantee itself has become a buzzword, it started appearing in social media banners, Google and FacebookAdWords, promotional emails from all corners.

Our customer started asking for it. When we were in the process of discovering the value proposition since we didn’t have this word frequently used on our CSM pages, our potential customer would get furious, what kind of trainer company we were if we cannot offer a 100% pass guarantee? After all, Kabobhut, Nothing to learn, Galaxyagile were offering it.

Scrum Master Search result

Scrum Master Google ad

Scrum Master google Search

Being an agile company, we adapted to the market conditions quickly, and started using the word assurance (Not Guarantee) in all our advertisements, mailers and social media banners.

Ceartified Scrum Mater - izenbridge

In reality, Certified Scrum Master exam by Scrum Alliance is so easy the whole saga of guarantee looks nothing but a farce.Contrary to the perception being created, you would need work hard to fail this exam! Despite everything, when you ask for it as a customer, you always bring a smile to our already stressed sales managers.

Asking for a pass guarantee in a CSM test is like asking for obvious. It’s like a mineral water company guaranteeing to quench your thirst, a restaurant offering to take away your hunger, your partner guaranteeing a pleasure when it’s your first time!

Ceartified Scrum Mater 100% Guarantee

You don’t need a guarantee to pass CSM exam; you will obviously clear it. What matters is your understanding of how Scrum works. After all, it’s not the CSM certificate,but the implementation of scrum would bring a real difference in your life.

What if for a moment, your customer or boss started asking a guarantee of no risk in scrum implementation? In situations like this, your understanding of scrum concepts will come to your rescue, more than the guaranteed certificate which comes on the second day of CSM training.

While we do everything to add value to our CSM training if you are planning to attend a CSM exam and looking for some practice questions, bookmark our free scrum test page for your future reference.Take these quizzes,and you will have your own guarantee of clearing CSM exam We will be adding many more scrum quizzes here.

Free Scrum Quizzes

What’s our Guarantee?

We differentiate from our competition in multiple aspects. Our training comes with a sole objective of helping you understand what Scrum is and how to implement it in your next project. All our efforts go into help you grow as a scrum master.

Here is how we differentiate –

  1. Free content on Agile mindset, Kanban, and Scrum Framework – in addition to existing scrum guide and the training material offered by a CST, we also offer you an expert content on Agile Mindset, Kanban implementation and Scrum Framework.
  2. Online Quizzes and tests to help you score – Afterall, this is what makes it possible to get your training sponsored by your company or client. We offer you enough high-quality content to make sure you clear the exam.
  3. Free and regular interview support – your CSM certificate or scrum knowledge will be forgone if you don’t get a chance to implement it. That’s the reason we help you prepare for the interview so that you can get a scrum role quickly.
  4. Free CV guide – An online guide to creating a perfect Scrum Master CV. It comes complimentary with a CSM class
  5. Regular community support – You learn more with peers as compared to a two days class. Our online and offline community support ensures that you get a lot of peer to peer learning opportunities. iZenBridge maintains the active most Scrum User group in India. Check for more details.